
Incorrect recurring due dates

  • 8 January 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2

I see others have posted about this issue over the last few years, but still don’t have a firm grasp on this… our recurring work often has its due dates slowly slip out of alignment with… reality. 

For example, over time, bookkeeping that both starts and is due for the month of January shows up 2 weeks before the work start date, with many work items and tasks already 5-25 days overdue.  

  1. How does this happen, so we can stop whatever we are doing wrong?
  2. When it does happen, what is the repair of the existing recurring item (rather than starting all over again with a new recurring work item - losing all those great client-specific work items)?

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

@Kathy Coggins I know we have an issue with recurring work dates showing up incorrectly. If it is the naming structure, we typically just delete the name, save, then edit and recreate the naming (exactly as it was).

For actual start/due date issues we delete the repeat only. Adjust the standalone job to ensure it is set up correctly, and just recreate the recurring work.

I’m not sure if either of these will work in your case. Happy to assist further if you have additional context to share/screenshots.


Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Kathy Coggins,

Repeating Work copies the most recent previous Work item in existence.

So if it’s repeating monthly and you have a Dec 2023 Work item, a Jan 2024 Work item and your settings are about to create a Feb 2024 Work item, it will copy the relative due dates from the Jan 2024 Work item.

I would suggest that someone or some automator, is inadvertently changing the due dates on a Work item (relative to the start date of that Work item) and that is resulting in the dates moving around.

One way the due dates change easily (and inadvertently) is by changing the Start Date or Due Date of the Work item.

See below, I moved the Start Date 4 days later and the Due Date 29 days earlier and Due Date 29 days earlier.

Karbon suggests changing the task due dates by one of those two (if I hadn’t moved the start date it would suggest the Move task due dates 29 days earlier).

This could be a factor in the changes. We usually use Leave task due dates as is.

I hope that helps 🙂


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Kathy Coggins 

Could it be the setting used in the section of the Repeat schedule?

Or is it the tasks showing up as overdue?  It may be that the tasks are set up as due a number of days before or after the start date, you may be better to build automators into the templates that trigger due dates based on the work being done.  This is a screenshot of the left menu of a task in a template - if you have a number in that DUE box, maybe it’s causing the issue?

When this has happened to me it was usually because I put a date in wrong or checked the wrong box that @SamG pointed out.




