@GKKCPA you can create an internal company client, and then have work items for the various types of admin work you want to be able to track e.g.
- Triage/emails/planning work etc. (“Admin”)
- Vacation/Leave
- Training
- HR (e.g. for time spent doing performance reviews/goals/HR meetings)
Up to you how granular you want to go e.g. just one “Admin” contact/work item that all time goes to, or create multiple work items for all the different types of admin/internal time you want to track
Also encourage live time tracking (as much as possible!), and you can use the roles/tasks to get more detail. You can also make those fields mandatory if need be, and you can also specify which Roles people can choose in the dropdown, which can speed up entry/reduce errors.
I agree with @Rebecca Williams for internal items.
However, when you have internal adhoc projects (workflow updates, initiatives, etc) you can have time allocated there using internal task types.
I’ve found that asking teams to put in when they are triaging emails or responding to notes/comments creates a theme of 2 mins here and 5 mins there. Annoying to me. So considering a standard amount that they can allocate daily to managing triage and let them document themselves if expands beyond that and having a conversation about their time and communication management.
Same thing for weekly work. If they login to a client and there’s nothing to be done, they charge me for 2 mins.
That’s a good point, thank you for the helpful perspective.