
Filtering Completed Work by Role

  • 5 November 2022
  • 6 replies


We have recently started using Karbon. The Work Templates are generally “Completed” by the admin team eg when returns are lodged  

We are wanting to report on how many Jobs were completed by the accountant who prepared the job and it doesn’t appear you can filter by a role. When use filters on completed and assignee it is listing the jobs as the role that completed/the Karbon job which is generally not the person who prepared the work.


Anyone having this issue or have found a work around?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Shannon McPhail,

Welcome to Karbon.  We had this issue as well.  We wanted to know how many tax returns each of our preparers had completed for the season.  Unfortunately, we could not figure out how to filter a work view to show this data.  All completed Tax Work items will only show who was assigned the work when it was completed, not who was assigned to prepare the return (role- Accountant).

There currently isn’t a way to filter work by role.  This would make a wonderful feature request.  If you make a feature suggestion, please post the link here and I will vote for it.

Our solution is not ideal, but here is what we did to track this information. I am assigned all tax work items as the file task so all completed work would show under me when filtering completed work by the assignee.  When the work item came to me, I checked to see who completed the return and added this information to a tracking spreadsheet.  It would keep a running total by preparer in a little box at the top of the spreadsheet for quick reference.  It could also be filtered to list completed returns by preparer-client.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I don’t know if this will work, but you could try to filter by work type, status, and collogues involved.

Let me know if that works. My demo account doesn’t have work that hits those filters, so I don’t know what it looks like.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@max   Unfortunately, this will not provide the information.  Once the work has been completed, the status will be completed and only show who it was assigned to when completed.  All our tax work items will show assigned to me at completion but I am not the one who prepared the return.

You can pull this information while the work is active and in the preparation stage, but once it moves to another status and assignee, you cannot pull who did the previous section. It will only show the current assignee.

If we added an automator to the work that reassigned the work to the preparer once completed, you would be able to use these steps to pull that information.

Userlevel 7
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I just tested it on my live data, and it seems to work. If you filter by one staff member in “Colleagues Involved” it will show all the work were that person is attached to the work team even if they are not the current assignee.

One issue is that the client team is a pretty sticky place, meaning sometimes staff are in there for no good reason.

I know the work will show the “current” assignee, the last assignee in this case, but filtering by one person in the colleagues involved field will only show the work where that colleague was tied the work somehow.

For instance, if your preparer’s name was Bob, you could put his name in the “Colleagues Involved” filter and see all the work where he is on the client team (entered time, assigned a task, etc.). In my case, my list shows 300+ work items all assigned to our office admin, but it’s only the work items that were at one point attached to Bob.

I know I said it like three times, lol. I’m struggling to explain what I mean.

Another way to get it would be to pull time data from the API or KPI if you use Karbon time. That gets a little complicated, but it’s an option.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@max @Shannon McPhail  This works if you are pulling the report after tax season is over.  You need to use the following filters:

  • Work Type - Pick whatever applies Personal tax - business tax
  • Colleague involved - you can only do it one at a time
  • Work status - completed
  • Start Date - date range 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022 - This gets you only the current year.

I was playing with this and it gets pretty close to my actual number. One thing I noticed that skewed the number is:

  • work items created with the wrong work type  
  • work that was marked completed but was actually canceled

These are both user errors and can be cleaned up.

If it is during tax season, I think you could remove the status filter and see everything for the year.

@max  Thank you.  You always have the best answers.  I’m going to show this to the team tomorrow.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Nice! I’m glad it’s usable. 😀
