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Does anyone know how to retrieve a contact's BusinessCardKey through the API?

thanks all, hope tax season wasn’t too fraught this year


pretty simple question!


I’m hoping to use the BusinessCard endpoint to both GET and PUT contacts’ BusinessCards but I can’t for the life of me find the contacts’ associated “BusinessCardKey” anywhere


doesn’t show up when I GET either all contacts or an individual contact with its ContactKey, so I dug a little deeper


the Expand System Query Function ($expand) indicated in the odata uri specifications is returning this error:

'{"error":{"code":"4002","message":"Query option \'Expand\' is not allowed. To allow it, set the \'AllowedQueryOptions\' property on EnableQueryAttribute or QueryValidationSettings."}}'


when I run this python GET with the requests library:

r = requests.get('$expand=BusinessCard', headers=ACCESS_HEADERS)

(where ACCESS_HEADERS is an object containing my AccessKey, Authorization, and contact-type values)


thanks again!


Hmm, interesting. Have you tried it on organizations?

EDIT: When I GET a contact, it returns their business cards with keys in an array without the ‘$expand’ parameter.

@max thank you, your timely response!


when I run

r = requests.get(f'{CONTACT_KEY}', headers=ACCESS_HEADERS)


I get this in response

{'@odata.context': '$metadata#Contacts/KarbonService.ContactDTO/$entity',
'@odata.type': '#KarbonService.ContactDTO',
'AccountingDetail': {'AnnualRevenue': None,
'BaseCurrency': None,
'BirthDate': None,
'ContactPermaKey': '4fHsJF1pDRrq',
'DeathDate': None,
'EntityType': None,
'FinancialYearEndDay': None,
'FinancialYearEndMonth': None,
'GstBasis': None,
'GstPeriod': None,
'IncomeTaxInstallmentPeriod': None,
'IncorporationDate': None,
'IncorporationState': None,
'IsVATRegistered': None,
'LegalName': None,
'LineOfBusiness': None,
'Notes': '],
'OrganizationPermaKey': None,
'OrganizationValuation': None,
'PaysTax': None,
'PrepareGST': None,
'ProvisionalTaxBasis': None,
'ProvisionalTaxRatio': None,
'RegistrationNumbers': '],
'RevenueModel': None,
'SalesTaxBasis': None,
'SalesTaxPeriod': None,
'Salutation': None,
'Sells': None,
'Sex': None,
'TaxCountryCode': 'US',
'TradingName': None},
'AvatarUrl': '/contacts/api/4vQylrFtl4X6/avatar/3a2fb6b3-2e97-471c-ae98-2272d2e1af8f',
'ClientManager': None,
'ClientOwner': -----------, #removing this intentionally
'ContactKey': '4fHsJF1pDRrq',
'ContactType': 'Client',
'EntityDescription': None,
'FirstName': 'Mike',
'LastModifiedDateTime': '2022-03-02T01:41:41Z',
'LastName': 'Richardson',
'MiddleName': '',
'PreferredName': 'Mike',
'RestrictionLevel': 'Public',
'Salutation': '',
'Suffix': '',
'UserDefinedIdentifier': None}


which is odd because the API Docs suggest I should get a list of BusinessCards with this request

Forgive the stupid question. :)

Does this contact have a business card attached?



the contact is me and I have a business card with just my personal e-mail on it

Tomorrow I’ll send a loom of what I see when I run the GET. 

Hey @Mike Richardson, I was wrong about the GET parameters. I didn’t realize that I had business cards expanded by default. Try this:]?$expand=BusinessCards

Here’s the response:

"@odata.context": "$metadata#Contacts/KarbonService.ContactDTO(BusinessCards())/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#KarbonService.ContactDTO",
"ContactKey": "2PQtTP5p1Trj",
"FirstName": "Testing",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Tester",
"PreferredName": "Testing",
"Salutation": null,
"Suffix": null,
"ClientOwner": null,
"ClientManager": null,
"ContactType": null,
"UserDefinedIdentifier": null,
"RestrictionLevel": "Public",
"AvatarUrl": null,
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2023-05-09T13:45:22Z",
"EntityDescription": {
"Text": null
"AccountingDetail": {
"ContactPermaKey": "2PQtTP5p1Trj",
"OrganizationPermaKey": null,
"BirthDate": null,
"DeathDate": null,
"Salutation": null,
"Sex": null,
"FinancialYearEndDay": null,
"FinancialYearEndMonth": null,
"IncorporationDate": null,
"IncorporationState": null,
"LegalName": null,
"LineOfBusiness": null,
"EntityType": null,
"TaxCountryCode": "US",
"TradingName": null,
"AnnualRevenue": null,
"BaseCurrency": null,
"GstBasis": null,
"GstPeriod": null,
"IncomeTaxInstallmentPeriod": null,
"IsVATRegistered": null,
"OrganizationValuation": null,
"PaysTax": null,
"PrepareGST": null,
"ProvisionalTaxBasis": null,
"ProvisionalTaxRatio": null,
"RevenueModel": null,
"SalesTaxBasis": null,
"SalesTaxPeriod": null,
"Sells": null,
"RegistrationNumbers": s],
"Notes": s]
"BusinessCards": s
"BusinessCardKey": "mFWxlPmc4bG",
"EntityType": "Contact",
"EntityKey": "2PQtTP5p1Trj",
"IsPrimaryCard": true,
"WebSites": s],
"EmailAddresses": s
" email removed]"
"OrganizationKey": "4mmd2qnswqBx",
"RoleOrTitle": null,
"FacebookLink": null,
"LinkedInLink": null,
"TwitterLink": null,
"SkypeLink": null,
"Addresses": s],
"PhoneNumbers": s]


This works for me:


I’ve found in the past there is some funkiness around the expand function when I copy a section but if I restart that section it usually works.

@max @Automation n Stuff yes!


thank you so much for your help with this, completely solved my problem
