With reference to this article: https://help.karbonhq.com/en/articles/2487653-how-are-contacts-linked-with-the-practice-ignition-integration
We had a case that was not handled as per the logic in the above article.
We added a client on PI with name Jane Doe for contact and client and email john@doe.com (husband’s email). The hushband John Doe was already a client on Karbon. PI then added the work item to John Doe on Karbon instead of creating a contact Jane Doe and adding the work.
According to flow diagram in article:
Are client and contact name the same: Yes
Is there a person with same name (not email) in Karbon: No
Thus a new person should have been created in Karbon.
Please clarify? Is name in the article also referring to email? If so I think the article should mention that.