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There is a person we deal with often who is a consultant for several of our clients.  She has multiple emails - one for each of her roles/companies. We have to be extra careful to use the correct email every time we message her. For example, we don’t want to send payroll information re: one of our mutual client businesses to her email address for a different client business.

We’ve set up one Contact for her in Karbon with multiple contact cards for her different roles and email addresses.  See Screenshot #1 below as an example. 

The problem is this: When we compose an email and type in her name (see Screenshot #2), her three emails show up in the search list but the “client business” associated with her name in ALL THREE instances is the one on the starred contact card.  This is very confusing for our staff.  e.g. we want to email her with a question about company A, but all of her email addresses in the search list show that she’s associated with client B.

Does there have to be a starred contact card?  We can’t see a way to toggle the star off.  We can star a different card, but that’s it.

How are others handling this type of situation?  We don’t think it makes sense to have multiple contacts for one person.  But the new email search function (which we really like) is not helping in this situation.  Thoughts?


Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


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