
Client Requests

  • 8 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Is there an option or setting we can use to leave client requests open after the work is closed?  The reason is because we would like Karbon to be our main point of contact with clients which includes sending financial reports after the books are closed each month or each year, but also be able to mark the work item complete so it isn’t lingering in our “My Week” or open work items which skews our insights.  When we mark the work complete and even ask to leave tasks as is, it closes out the client request and they cannot access.  At this time, we are sending final statements via email, but it would be ideal for us to be able to keep all comms within the Karbon work item.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Chrissy Gallegos,

No option or setting that I’m aware of. You could start a feature idea for it 🙂

Hi @Chrissy Gallegos,

No option or setting that I’m aware of. You could start a feature idea for it 🙂

Thank you!

We created a Misc Doc Request work item template that can be added to clients, for a similar reason. We wanted to track all comm in Karbon, but not keep old work items open. This allows clients to comment and send/receive docs and comments within their Portal.


