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Hello All,

Is it possible to clear an email(s) in the search area of Karbon. 

I have a backlog of emails and it is cumbersome to have to search for the email(s) in triage and clear it that way.

If there is no specific way of clearing the email has anyone found a workaround?





This is a really good question. I believe the only way to clear from Triage 8s from within Triage (not in Search). Good practical use case, and question. 

This is a great suggestion to add to the Feature request through Help and Feedback, I never thought of it before but I would absolutely use it!


Appreciate your question. Didn’t realize how important it is now. You can add this suggestion on the feature request section in Karbon. 

I have wanted this same feature so many times and still do.  However, I have not requested it and this is why.  If this feature was available, it would enable my bad habit of leaving emails in triage.  The goal being to keep triage clear and get to work.  I am torn because it is incredibly difficult to meet that goal and then my bloated triage hampers my productivity.    But it is partly new habits that need to be learned and partly being too busy to get to triage.  The struggle is real!

However, there are some things you can do to help.

  • Don’t forget the Low Priority feature.  Less important emails can be marked as Low Priority and then will not show up in your main triage.  Once a week (I try to do no Fridays) you can review Low Priority and clear the emails in bulk.
  • If your behind, you can clear months at a time in bulk in your triage.  Sometimes, I have old emails in triage and I know that they’ve been taken care of so I can use this feature.

Hope this helps!

I agree with Maria about allowing #Triage be the tool to learn good habits. If you really must remove emails at bulk from Triage you may consider opening your inbox from your email provider (i.e. Googlemail, MS Outlook, etc) and moving or removing the emails from your inbox. Karbon populates Triage from your inbox. I suppose you could move emails at bulk to the ‘Archive’ folder which Karbon moves ‘Cleared’ items to. 

Allow me to encourage you to allow Triage to focus skill in delegating and tasking your emails. You will feel better after it becomes daily routine, trust me. 😉 

For those less important emails you may want to use the #LowPriority feature.

Kirk is spot on with clearing out your email provider email.  I will periodically go in my gmail and clear things out and often find emails that I really should unsubscribe from.  This helps to clean up the email bloat.

Dedicating some time to getting to Inbox Zero really helped me with this issue. I did the following:

  1. Went through the triage and assigned emails to projects, to-dos, etc.
  2. Went through my triage and marked any emails I wanted but didn’t need in my triage low priority.
  3. Logged into my GSuite inbox - archived anything older that 6 months (this saves everything in the All Mail box in Gmail) or you can opt to move all of these to a folder for safe keeping. 
  4. Unsubscribed, deleted, created filters for the remainder that were important but not needed in my inbox. 
  5. One final archive. 

To maintain this - I go through my Gsuite inbox weekly to unsubscribe, create filters and then archive.

I have wanted this same feature so many times and still do.  However, I have not requested it and this is why.  If this feature was available, it would enable my bad habit of leaving emails in triage.  The goal being to keep triage clear and get to work.  I am torn because it is incredibly difficult to meet that goal and then my bloated triage hampers my productivity.    But it is partly new habits that need to be learned and partly being too busy to get to triage.  The struggle is real!

However, there are some things you can do to help.

  • Don’t forget the Low Priority feature.  Less important emails can be marked as Low Priority and then will not show up in your main triage.  Once a week (I try to do no Fridays) you can review Low Priority and clear the emails in bulk.
  • If your behind, you can clear months at a time in bulk in your triage.  Sometimes, I have old emails in triage and I know that they’ve been taken care of so I can use this feature.

Hope this helps!

I found that this was the best way to utilize Karbon. It took some time, but really enforcing Inbox Zero with our team has been good.

We are finally not working out of Triage and every task (on good days anyway) is delegated or assigned with an appropriate due and to-do date. It’s really helped us focus on working on the right things at the right time.

We aren’t completely there yet, but getting better each week.

If Maria’s answer was the best, @Mersal Nasser, would you mark it as the answer?

This should definitely be a Feature Request, I have wished for this feature so many times, it would be invaluable.
