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Changing the start date in repeating work?

  • 28 February 2022
  • 6 replies

Is it possible to change the start in the repeating work?  This is what I am experiencing.

If I try to change the repeat settings, changing the start date for the repeat is not an option.  I am able to edit the start and end dates for a singular piece of work but that does not seem translate to the repeating work.

It seems that the only option is to cancel the repeat and start over which can be tricky because you can accidentally delete a POW you need if your not careful.

Has anyone else had any experience with this?  

6 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

If you mean the Start date of the repeating work, then NO. You would need to set the end date for the current repeating schedule so it does not repeat AND then recreate the repeating work with the actual date you want to be the start date.

If you need the current work item, make sure you set the end date to AFTER the end date of the work or it will delete that item as well, requiring back end support to reinstate it.

Just a system limitation not being able to change the Start date from within the repeating schedule.

This is exactly what we determined but I was hoping that was a work around or perhaps a lack of knowledge on our part.  Thank you for validating.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

This has been added as a feature request

Edit Start Date within Repeating Schedule | Karbon Community (

You can go there to upvote it - the product team is paying attention


Thanks Victoria.  I have upvoted it.

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

I do the following:

  1. set up the repeating job
  2. navigate to the repeat job and open
  3. go to the top of the page and change the start date and the due date.


Does this help?



Userlevel 6
Badge +7

If you mean the Start date of the repeating work, then NO. You would need to set the end date for the current repeating schedule so it does not repeat AND then recreate the repeating work with the actual date you want to be the start date.

If you need the current work item, make sure you set the end date to AFTER the end date of the work or it will delete that item as well, requiring back end support to reinstate it.

Just a system limitation not being able to change the Start date from within the repeating schedule.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

I do the following:

  1. set up the repeating job
  2. navigate to the repeat job and open
  3. go to the top of the page and change the start date and the due date.


Does this help?





Thank you for the reply.  That doesn’t appear to change it in future repeats.  Only in the current POW.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

This has been added as a feature request

Edit Start Date within Repeating Schedule | Karbon Community (

You can go there to upvote it - the product team is paying attention

