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Hello. Is it possible to archive a Task Type we don’t want to use anymore? We don’t want to delete it.

There is not currently a way to archive a task type, if you don’t want it there you have to delete it.  During the process of deleting the task type you will be prompted to select which task type should be used in your work items in place of the one you are deleting.

Hi @Lee Turner

I completely understand not wanting to delete.  A work around that I do is to add ZZZ at the front of the name and if there is room (do not use) at the end for work templates that I do not want to delete just yet.  I assume it would work the same for Tasks.  

The advantage of this is that the archived but not archived items are at the bottom of the list so out of sight - out of mind and if they do get seen the ZZZ is a reminder to not use it.

Hope that helps,


@Victoria Peters  We do the exact same thing!  Great Minds!😀
