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Hi all

Probably user error but, as we work through our 2022 annual accounts jobs I am setting them up as a recurring annual job, all repeating in May 2022, and the Create Work date is 3 months before it starts. The reasoning being 1st February next year we can spend some time planning for when to schedule these jobs in and then move the due dates as appropriate. 

The problem is. as we have finished the 2022 jobs, I have a heap that have already gone and created themsevles. I can go into those jobs, look at the repeat, it def says starts 1 May, create work 3 months before it starts, create tasks 1 day before it starts, yet there are all these 2023 jobs on our annuals list. So frustrating. I know I could set the filter to try and exclude jobs starting after 1st February 2023 but my question is why are the jobs creating now and ignoring the instructions?

@Gillian Kirkman On the work details tab, what is listed as the start date of the work item? 



@Gillian Kirkman, just a thought, you mentioned already completing or mostly completing the 2022 jobs. 

Did you create the 2023 jobs/work items in order to set up the recurring items?  You set the first item up, and that is automatically set up as “planned.”  Any item after the first item, that you set up recurring, will be set up to be created as you scheduled. 

Maybe you selected the 2022 item to recur, but it sounded like those were already completed or mostly complete, and you were starting the recurring fresh from a new work item… and would have had to actually create the 2023 items in order to set up the recurring.

@Gillian Kirkman On the work details tab, what is listed as the start date of the work item? 



1st March 2023
