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Hi all,


Regarding the deployment of work for the completion of Annual Financial Statements, I am unsure of the best practices for deployment relating to Work Items & Resource Allocation:

Our Annual Financial Statements preparation steps are as follows:

  • Workbook Compilation
  • 1st Review
  • Drafting of AFS
  • 2nd Review
  • Director Review
  • AFS Sign-off

Since this process usually takes longer than 1 month, we are concerned about the resource allocation - as we would like the assignee to get the allocation once their relevant task is complete, not only when the whole process is complete.

We are considering pairing these tasks 2x2x2, thus creating 3 Work items for deployment. This does present an issue of automating the process for informing the new assignee that an items is ready to start, etc.


Are there any suggestions/best practices that will enable the assignee to get their allocation in the relevant month, but also does not limit the automation too much?


Thank you in advance & looking forward to the feedback!

Hi @Chris Jansen van Vuuren, welcome to the Karbon community! 😁

We are going through a similar evaluation at our firm. We have gone the way of splitting the work into multiple work items with instructions at the end of the relevant work items for how to add the follow-on work item. There’s no way to automate it right now, other than using the API, a project that I’m working on now, but carries with it some downside, specifically related to billing and reporting, but it may not matter if you do things a certain way.

Hi @max - thank you for the welcoming!


Thank you for your feedback as well, I appreciate it! Will take this into consideration & trusting that this could be automated in the near future.
