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Adding "person" to an "organization"

  • 23 June 2022
  • 9 replies

Is there a way to add a person to an organization while i’m in the organization? Or is the only way to change to the person’s contact and add the organization as a card?

You can add an organization to an existing contact through their contact cards, or when adding a new contact you can add in the organization information when you’re creating the contact. You can’t add a contact from the Organization details in Karbon.

You can also use the shortcut ALT C to add a contact from any page in Karbon.  A box will pop up to pick a person, organization, or Client group.   Not sure that helps with an existing contact, but if you are adding a new one, it is awesome.  As Kim said, you can add the person and which organization they are associated with as well as their role all at the same time.


Or Option + C for mac users - very handy as @DianeK mentions!

I don’t use any of the keyboard shortcuts, which is a shame. Great suggestion, @DianeK!

oh man @max I use Option + E all the time to create a new email!! Which I guess on a PC is Alt + E.

I have these taped to my computer and use them daily.  Very handy.  This is for a PC.  Someone with a Mac, please post those.


Here’s a link to a short article for the shortcuts.


on a mac:
Option + C = New Contact
Option + E = New Email
Option + N = New Note
Option + W = New Work Item
Option + S = Search
Option + T = Time Entry

@DianeK @Kim Clemmer Thank you for posting these!!!
